
ALCS Educational Writers’ Award

Yesterday I was here…


Yes, the Houses of Parliament! I was there to attend the ceremony for the Educational Writers’ Award for my book Who Eats Who.  This award is the ONLY UK award for educational writing, so it was a real honour to be on the shortlist.

Who Eats Who is a non-fiction book for 6-7 year olds about food chains – and how we’re all part of them!  It’s included in Oxford University Press’s fantastic InFact series which also features books about space, the deep sea, making comics and puppets and the top ten worst ever jobs for children.  Check it out!

Who Eats Who had strong competition!


The very brilliant Atlas of Adventures (on my Christmas list!) by Rachel Williams and Lucy Letherland won the prize, but I still got a lovely certificate and a book token from the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, John Whittingdale!


Thank you ALCS and the Society of Authors for a wonderful evening, and for giving us the opportunity to celebrate the wealth of children’s educational publishing which so rarely gets a chance to shine in the spotlight.

And look, there’s already a Christmas tree beside Big Ben!

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